School Performance

Scholastic Excellence

Children who are are able to focus and remember are better able to get good grades and perform well in school. One of the most frequent uses for brain training is in these areas that support learning, so any child can have their scholastic performance improved through biofeedback and neurofeedback. Yet for the child, this is simply fun. They’re going with you once a week to play some games… yet many of them can actually feel that it helps them in school, too.

Classroom Behavior

At age five or six, some parents experience recommendations from their child’s teacher or school that can be threatening. Perhaps their child has trouble paying attention or sitting still, or exhibits oppositional behavior (saying “no” to the teacher and refusing to cooperate). A teacher or the school may suggest the child be evaluated for ADHD, autism spectrum, or behavioral issues. These evaluations can lead to a lifetime of medications and labeling.

We believe that helping your child use their growing brain better is within the reach of any parent. Just as brain training helps adults, it is safe and effective for children’s growing brains. It offers their brains the opportunity to structure and organize themselves more effectively, and can help avoid stigmatizing diagnoses while giving them an opportunity to improve both social skills and scholastic performance.

Help For Learning Disabilities

Helping a child’s brain helps performance at any level, even when the brain has been injured in some way. Some children get this advantage. For example, in the students at Peng Cheng Special Education School in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, in the middle of China, each child is given biofeedback / neurofeedback to help their performance.

“Brain wave training has a huge potential to expand a brain’s horizons and help it regulate itself.”
– Elyn MacInnis

How Neurofeedback For Children Works

Neurofeedback listens to the child’s brain. It doesn’t shock it or even stimulate it directly, it simply records what is going on according to the areas of the brain and brain wave patterns the operator chooses to monitor. It’s non-invasive. There’s no drugs, just a couple of sensors on the scalp and earlobes. What happens is that the brain gets direct feedback of its performance, so that it can make corrections to perform better. As your child plays games, the brain is rewarded when it strengthens the areas known to help the issues being addressed.