One of the outcomes of brain training is a clearer mind, and that really seems to help with social skills. It makes sense – when you’re stressed and muddled, it’s harder to deal with other people. The clarity and calm that brain training promotes puts you in a better place to interact with other people in a positive way.
Neurofeedback can help with both verbal and non-verbal social skills such as:
- Clarity & Concision
- Friendliness/Openness
- Confidence
- Empathy
- Listening Skills
- Attention Span
- Non-verbal Communication (body language, eye contact, posture, gestures)
- Ability to Deal With Conflict
Let’s look specifically at ways that brain training can help.
Treating Social Anxiety With Neurofeedback
Neurofeedback is an established therapy for social anxiety. If you experience anxiety, embarrassment, lack of confidence, shyness, low self-esteem or fear of rejection, brain training can help tame these non-supportive emotional states and make you more comfortable in social interaction. EEG neurofeedback helps your mind learn health self-regulation in these situations, so that more supportive emotional states such as calm and self-confidence become the norm.
There’s also been some very promising work related to improving social behavior for individuals on the autistic spectrum. Brain training is also effective for those diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, and may reduce the need for medication. Outcomes include improved attention span as well as reduced hyperactive and impulsive behaviors.
“Neurofeedback was as effective as methylphenidate at treating the attentional and hyperactivity symptoms of ADHD”
Brain Training Boosts Intimacy
When it comes to dealing with co-workers, friendships, family or intimate relationships, coming from a steady and calm frame of mind makes it much easier to interrelate. Irrational anger and mood swings can destroy your relationships, but it’s possible to retrain your brain to easily maintain steady emotional control. The required social skills to maintain interpersonal communication can be enhanced by neurofeedback, making social interactions which used to cause anxiety a source of satisfaction.
Improving Leadership Skills
Especially for those in leadership positions (or who aspire to them), social skills are essential. When you offer the personality traits of emotional equanimity, mental focus, and a strong personal presence, you’re seen as leadership material. You’re able to communicate your ideas more effectively, and you experience confidence and emotional control. The “little things” that can be big stressors for some people can be shrugged off, and you’re more able to focus clearly on the key metrics that move
If you have to deal with staffing issues, you can comfortable speak from a place of authority and make rational judgements. You’ll be more able to make good decisions and focus under pressure – and that’s essential for success today.
Improving Your Social Skills
Wether you’re inquiring for a child with ADD or you’re an executive at the highest levels of industry, we have brain training programs to help you with improving social interaction skills. When your brain experiences improvement in executive functions related to reasoning and mood, improvments in performance follow. To learn more about our customized brain training programs for social skills, call us at (905) 291-0323 today or simply book a free Personal Peak Performance Consultation online.